Khan-Poor American Charity Corp or K-PAC is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that supports the most vulnerable children in Afghanistan and other countries. The organization will focus on developing and executing programs that will ultimately bring food, vaccinations, and education to children in rural communities. It will help those without the means to travel to urban areas served by larger charitable organizations. K-PAC will begin its efforts in Afghanistan, where it has developed regional partnerships that will provide food services to rural areas. The organization’s representatives within Afghan communities will identify the rural villages most in need of food distribution and work with local leaders to develop a cooked meal delivery service. K-PAC will ensure that these poor, hungry children receive the nutritional support they need to stay healthy and survive by bringing aid directly into their communities. Once they secure additional funding, the organization will incorporate medical care and education. K-PAC will expand its focus to surrounding countries over time, eventually building a global lifeline for children around the world caught in the crossfire of conflict and war.
War affects a country’s most vulnerable citizens. Though adults do the fighting, the cost is often borne by children. The loss of parents, family, and community to violence forces many children in conflict zones to rely on humanitarian aid for their nutrition, healthcare, and education. Unfortunately, many international aid programs are structured in a way that leaves out the neediest recipients, children in rural areas. This is especially true in Afghanistan. The nation has been torn apart for decades by warfare, leaving extreme poverty and a large orphan population in rural regions. This has led some to call the country the worst place in the world to be born.
K-PAC will serve the youth of conflict zones by providing food programs to rural regions in war-torn countries. The organization will initially focus on
provide a unique food truck program that will prepare and serve meals to children in villages throughout Afghanistan. K-PAC will leverage its connections within the country to identify the neediest communities and strive to bring them the aid they need. The organization will expand its operations over time to include immunization and education services for Afghanis, as well as other countries affected by war.
K-PAC will take advantage of its founder’s experience to aid its beneficiaries. Mr. Khan has experienced the hardships faced by Afghani children as he grew up in the country and has been extremely involved with helping the children of the country. Mr. Khan will lead a lean and nimble organization that will be designed to reach remote villages where children are most at risk of starvation. The organization’s workers on the ground will be Afghanis, allowing them to navigate the social and political obstacles involved with providing aid in the country. By creating an organization that can penetrate the furthest reaches of the country, KPAC will have a greater impact than other larger organizations.
K-PAC will establish key partnerships within Afghanistan with other charitable organizations, as well as food services businesses, such as restaurants, food distribution, and food manufacturing companies. The organization will leverage these partnerships to scale its operations and reach more residents than it can alone.
``Khan-Poor American Charity Corp``